Category: Look at My Big Deck

  • Too Fun to Wait: The Maelstrom Wanderer’s Suicide Squad

    Eagle-eyed adherents of Daily MTG might have spotted this gem back in November, but for the most part it’s fallen under most players’ radar. It’s the Maelstrom Wanderer, a new commander that’s going to be released this summer along with a new edition of Planechase. It reads like an EDH player’s wishlist: 7 power for…

  • Jenara Gets Serious

    For those curious about the deck I’m talking about, you can see it here. Jenara is without a doubt, my favorite deck.  It’s also my most powerful, yes, but the deck is just so rewarding to play that the power is more of a perk than a feature.  There are so many rich interactions between…

  • My Big Fat Deck: Jenara vs. The World

    Here it is, in all of its terrible glory. While most of my decks usually elicit a groan when I bring them out at the EDH table, this one tends to get people agreeing amongst themselves ahead of time, “Okay, Coda dies first, alright?”  It’s not even because it’s particularly broken or unfair, either –…

  • EDH Deckbuilding Fundamentals: A Tutor Primer

    Variance is the enemy of every deckbuilder.  Most 60 card Constructed decks attempt to be as consistent as possible by running 4 copies of each of their most important cards, but in a 99 card singleton format like EDH, we have to get a bit more creative in order to have any kind of consistency. …

  • On the Value of Haste, or, How to Win More Often When You’re a Timmy with a Token Deck

    If you look at my Magic player psychographic profile, you’ll find me pretty squarely in the Timmy camp: I love big spells, I love big creatures, I love big effects, and my primary motivation when playing Magic is to have fun while turning cards sideways with my friends. But I have a Spike streak as…