Tag: EDH

  • Too Fun to Wait: The Maelstrom Wanderer’s Suicide Squad

    Eagle-eyed adherents of Daily MTG might have spotted this gem back in November, but for the most part it’s fallen under most players’ radar. It’s the Maelstrom Wanderer, a new commander that’s going to be released this summer along with a new edition of Planechase. It reads like an EDH player’s wishlist: 7 power for…

  • Coda’s Big Guide to Big Mana

    It’s no secret: I love making ridiculously huge amounts of mana.  Back when I played Standard I was known to hardcast Iona and the occasional 15-mana [card]Martial Coup[/card], but it’s only here in the heady atmosphere of EDH that I’ve really been able to let my freak flag fly.  I mean, Worldwake-era Tapout Control was…

  • EDH Deckbuilding Fundamentals: Charity

    When I first started playing EDH, I was like most Spikes new to the format: pure, unadulterated evil.  My decks read like “top 100 most hated EDH cards” lists: [card]Sundering Titan[/card], [card]Myojin of Night’s Reach[/card], [card]Identity Crisis[/card], [card]Desolation Angel[/card], [card]Magister Sphinx[/card], [card]Sorin Markov[/card], it goes on and on.  Even worse, in my Spikish naiveté, I…

  • Unsung Heroes, Part II

    Leyline of Sanctity [card]Privileged Position[/card] is one of the all-time EDH greats. Not only does it protect your creatures, it also keeps your artifacts, enchantments, and even lands safe. But the one thing it doesn’t keep safe (aside from itself) is you. This may not seem particularly relevant to someone conditioned to judging everything in…

  • EDH Deckbuilding Fundamentals: A Tutor Primer

    Variance is the enemy of every deckbuilder.  Most 60 card Constructed decks attempt to be as consistent as possible by running 4 copies of each of their most important cards, but in a 99 card singleton format like EDH, we have to get a bit more creative in order to have any kind of consistency. …

  • Unsung Heroes, Part I

    There’s a whole long list of cards that tend to get bandied about in EDH circles…the ones you’re supposed to include no matter what. This is not that list. These are the unsung heroes of EDH, the cards that never seem to get the love they richly deserve. Or, well, five of them. This is…

  • Let’s Talk About EDH. Baby.

    Welcome! (And if you didn’t hear that in the Merchant’s voice from Resident Evil 4, then I certainly hope you do so. Now. Do it. It’s an order.) This here be an Elder Dragon Highlander group blog—or Commander, if you want to be all up on the correct terminology and shit. It is almost definitely…